graesslin added a comment.

  In, @dfaure wrote:
  > I guess that the same argument could be made about Qt5::Widgets... if 
you're using a widget you're supposed to link to that, rather than indirectly 
via KWindowSystem...
  > This is making me change my mind. Maybe it's OK after all. It breaks SC in 
a case where "proper" application code shouldn't be affected.
  I'm not totally happy with this as @apol showed with the list of reviews he 
already put up that this causes compile breakage for many products. I don't 
mind getting rid of QWidget in KWindowSystem - in fact I would even prefer if 
we could get rid of it completely and was very sad when I realized we missed 
the 5.0 slot for it. But I think we shouldn't just break existing software. 
Especially given the short release cycles we have and the encouragement to 
distros to ship such versions. It would not be good for us if distros cannot 
rely on our own code to compile with latest frameworks.
  Thus I suggest we do this in two steps: introduce a build option which 
enforces the old behavior and keep this the default. In half a year change the 
default and with KF 6 remove it completely. This just gives the whole stack 
more time to catch up and we hopefully don't run into the situations that 
things break. Oh and kdesrc-build should be adjusted to enable the build option 
from the start, so that our own code falls on our feet.

  R278 KWindowSystem


To: apol, #frameworks, dfaure
Cc: graesslin, dfaure, anthonyfieroni

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