dfaure added a comment.

  This seems to be bundling several unrelated additions into the same commit?
  Please have one commit per feature / change / addition.
  I know that phabricator makes it difficult to have one review per commit, but 
at least the commits should be separate.


> kfileplacesmodeltest.cpp:893
> +
> +    QCOMPARE(expectedScheme, convertedUrl.scheme());
> +    QCOMPARE(expectedUrl, convertedUrl);

expectedScheme is part of the expectedUrl already, so I don't see much point in 
this separate data column and check.

> kfileplacesmodel.cpp:933
> +
> +    before = before == -1 ? d->items.count() : before;
> +

This would fit better in the if/else above.
Just do `before = d->items.count()` in the if (before == -1) case, no need for 
the ternary operator nor the no-op (before = before).

> kfileplacesmodel.cpp:935
> +
> +    if (row == before || row + 1 == before) {
> +        return false;

Can you explain this condition? I understand the idea of an early exit if 
nothing to do, but I'm surprised that two different values of `before` would 
lead to "nothing to do".
There is only one current position....

> kfileplacesmodel.h:52
> +        GroupRole = 0x0a5b64ee,
> +        IconNameRole = 0x00a45c00
>      };

///< @since 5.41

  R241 KIO


To: renatoo, dfaure, mwolff
Cc: mwolff, dfaure, ngraham, #frameworks

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