smithjd added a comment.

  In D11038#228379 <>, @michaelh wrote:
  > Sorry I took so long to respond. I needed to get the tools ready to see 
whats going on (D11285 <> and D11287 
<>) .
  >  Wrt this patch
  > - You forgot to open the database in ReadWrite mode.
  > - To test your code I changed that locally. After that a lot of `Q_ASSERT`s 
got in the way. I gave up after the third.
  > - I wonder how you can run this. Please make sure you build the `debug 
target`. Comment out the respective `Q_ASSERT`s and mark them with a `FIXME`.
  Works for me.
  > Please incorporate this patch into D11285 
<> and D11287 
<>. It separates the concerns of controlling 
indexing and manipulating the database. Also database manipulation is 
experimental while `balooctl` stuff is not. Also some of those preventing 
`Q_ASSERT`'s are already deactivated there.
  I'd like to let the dust settle on the baloodb tool first. Once it's  in git 
I'll change this patch to use it.
  > It would be great if we could test the effect of this command. I have no 
idea how this can be done. Maybe you have one?
  >> I was going to expose this functionality on the DBus interface and 
integrate it into the check command, but the lack of external mount enumeration 
makes this a little risky at the moment.
  > I've been playing around with mount enumeration in the sanitizer class. 
It's feasable. Wait for a patch coming up soon.
  > Personal note:
  >  Even after dealing with this patch for some time I still get confused by 
the terms 'prune' and 'purge'. This may be my personal problem or a general 
problem for non-native english-speakers. I don't know. For me it would be 
easier if this command would be called just `clean`.

  R293 Baloo


To: smithjd, #baloo, #frameworks, michaelh
Cc: michaelh, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, nicolasfella, ngraham, 

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