progwolff added a comment.

  In D11768#236348 <>, @broulik wrote:
  > > Still, that folder exists by default
  > Are you sure? It might be created by some weird startup script or something 
else. Also, a user can choose to change the location of the Desktop folder. 
Just wanting to make sure this change (which I'm totally in favor of, don't get 
me wrong) doesn't break or have unwanted side-effects.
  It might exist by default on some distributions, but we cannot assume that it 
is created on all systems. Arch Linux, just to give one example, will not 
create any folders for you. I imagine that it can be quite annoying to see a 
warning on the first start of dolphin, just because a folder is missing that 
the user didn't event want to have.
  I like the change in general, but please add a check if the folder exists 
before creating the bookmark.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #gwenview, #frameworks, #vdg
Cc: progwolff, broulik, michaelh, ngraham

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