romangg added a comment.

  Regarding the "drm_fourcc.h" file: do we want to copy it in KWayland's code 
base or could we use the system one? It's only available on Linux? In this case 
could we include it as a dummy only on non-Linunx systems? This way we could 
use the system one on Linux.
  Should LinuxDmabufParams subclass Resource?


> fredrik wrote in linuxdmabuf_v1_interface.h:39
> Do we want these nested namespaces? We could have LinuxDmabufFlags, 
> LinuxDmabufBuffer etc. instead.

Since there are not yet any namespaces in KWayland below the client/server 
level, I would prefer it without the namespace.

> fredrik wrote in linuxdmabuf_v1_interface.h:65
> Should the Buffer class use a d-pointer?

I think yes. Together with a Private class implemented in the cpp file.

> fredrik wrote in linuxdmabuf_v1_interface.h:107
> Is this the solution we want for interfacing with the compositor?
> My preference would be to use std::function callbacks, with setters in 
> LinuxDmabufUnstableV1Interface. Setting up the interface could then look like 
> this:
>   m_linuxDmabuf = m_display->createLinuxDmabufInterface(m_display);
>   m_linuxDmabuf->setQuerySupportedFormats([]{ return 
> Compositor::self()->scene()->supportedDrmFormats(); });
>   ...
>   m_linuxDmabuf->create();
> This can also be extended without breaking binary compatibility. But I don't 
> think we can use std::function in frameworks. There are also BIC issues when 
> mixing different STL implementations, which we may or may not care about.

I'm not sure what's the canonical way in KWayland to do this. I assume the 
supported formats and modifiers could be saved in a field of the interface's 
Private class on creation.

The buffer could be imported through a signal to the compositor and a function 
in the interface to be called by the compositor afterwards to proceed.

  R127 KWayland


To: fredrik, #kwin, #plasma, graesslin, davidedmundson, mart
Cc: romangg, plasma-devel, #frameworks, ragreen, schernikov, michaelh, ZrenBot, 
ngraham, alexeymin, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, 
sebas, apol, mart, hein

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