rkflx requested changes to this revision.
rkflx added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  Thanks, works great now for single click users. Glad we could skip a huge 
discussion ;)
  However, for double click mode and Save, descending into directories is kinda 
broken. You might want to fix that before shipping…
  > Activate files in the filepicker without having to click on the Open/Save 
button first, but instead single/double clicking on the icon, depending on the 
mouse settings.
  Please update your summary too, and ideally reference those 3 commits I 
mentioned, as they contain useful information and you copied most of the patch 
from there.
  In D12538#254372 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D12538#254372>, @ngraham wrote:
  > (As mentioned before, this can't and won't land until other things have 
been fixed and implemented first)
  @ngraham Is this still the case with the changed scope of the patch?


> kfilewidget.cpp:1179
> +    // accept). This way the user can choose a file and add a "_2" for 
> instance to the filename.
> +    // Double clicking however will trigger this, regardless of 
> single/double click mouse setting,
> +    // see: _k_slotViewDoubleClicked

Do you mean "override" instead of "trigger" here?

> kfilewidget.cpp:2156-2162
> +void KFileWidgetPrivate::_k_slotViewDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
> +{
> +    if (operationMode == KFileWidget::Saving && index.isValid()) {
> +        q->slotOk();
> +    }
> +}
> +

I'd move that right under `:_k_slotIconSizeSliderMoved`, to keep ordering at 
least somewhat consistent with the declaration.

  R241 KIO


To: anemeth, #frameworks, #vdg, ngraham, rkflx
Cc: rkflx, broulik, jtamate, ngraham, #frameworks, michaelh, bruns

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