kossebau added a comment.

  In D12071#243259 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D12071#243259>, @mart wrote:
  > suggests that is more about it being constrained both horizontally and 
vertically than being a square, which may not be a given (the actual name comes 
from an old enum value in Plasma 4 that was AspectRatio)
  >  is i think the most correct name, even if less intuitive would be just 
  If so, let's change it to "Constrained" then, if there is a chance that the 
ratio can be different from 1:1.
  Though, what about "Bounded" instead? Non-native speaker myself, but possibly 
sounds more close to real-estate boundaries also for others and might be more 
intuitive than the more abstract "constrained", which could refer to any kind 
of constraints. Also is the term used elsewhere in Qt API, also for the same 
purpose of describing limits.
  Any plans to have fullscreen applets one day? There it would also be some 
vertically & horizontally constrained formfactor, would/should this new 
formfactor type also be used for such, or would there then be similar variants 
like there is for "Planar" with "Application" and "MediaCenter"?

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: mart, #plasma
Cc: Zren, apol, kossebau, #frameworks, michaelh, bruns

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