astippich added a comment.

  I agree, there are several problems coming from the fact that we basically 
have two sources for the same property, which can potentially conflict. Btw, we 
already have the same issue with the comment property.
  In D12156#257888 <>, @bruns wrote:
  > I see three problems here:
  > - The current "Rating" is handled specially, you can e.g. select Rating: 4 
or more in Dolphins "Find ..." dialog. If I have a file with an embeddedrating 
of 4.5 (normalized), I would expect it to show up. Probably the right thing 
would be to teach Baloo to treat embeddedrating the same way as a rating stored 
in an xattr, although I am not sure.
  > - Inconsistent data - the xattr rating may differ from the embedded rating. 
The one from the xattr should likely be preferred, but what is exposed in the 
file information widget?
  I want to leave that decision up to the application, and this patch is 
actually the first step towards that.
  > - Writing/updating the rating - we should remove any xattr rating, to avoid 
any ambiguities which one is the current one.
  I think one should write to both properties, so that existing applications 
relying on xattr continue to work. Also keep in mind that (at least with this 
patch) there are only rating tags for audio files, I don't know if such things 
exist for other documents.
  > The XAttr rating is retrieved with the basicindexingjob, and there is 
currently no possibility to "merge" data from the extractors in a different way 
than just creating the union. So in the database we have either
  > - Two, probably different, "rating" tags. Searching would match if any 
matches, and the widget would show an arbitrary one
  > - Two independent tags. Every search for a rating becomes `if ("rating" == 
r OR "embeddedrating" == r)`
  Hmm, haven't really thought about searching in baloo. But imho we should keep 
both ratings, since we don't know which is the "right" or more important one.
  In D12156#258436 <>, @mgallien wrote:
  > I would like to have only one rating in the KFileMetaData API that would 
transparently use the most appropriate way to store and read the rating.
  xattr tags have a completely different code path than the extractors. One 
could wire that up, but this would need to adapt all extractors and to teach 
the applications using KFileMetaData not to query the xattr separately anymore.
  > That would be:
  > - music audio file with a rating tag = we read the tag and write both tag 
and xattr attribute to maximize compatibility ;
  > - music audio file with only xattr rating attribute = we read the xattr 
attribute and write both tag and xattr attribute to maximize compatibility ;
  > - any file with only xattr rating attribute = we read the xattr attribute 
and write the xattr attribute ;
  >   Does this sound reasonable and feasible ?
  That was the plan anyway, but to let this be handled in the applications. I 
think this is especially important if we have conflicting ratings, and the user 
should be able to decide which one to use. I don't think that a library such as 
KFileMetaData should do that decision, it should present all available 
  Let me know what you think. I prefer to let KFileMetaData just present all 
information and let the applications handle the difficulties. If you guys think 
that this is not the way to go, I can also try to implement this inside 

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: astippich, mgallien, michaelh
Cc: bruns, #frameworks, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham

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