mart added a comment.

  - the manager just having a maximum_rows event, which tells that's the 
boundary of rows the kayout should have
  or... not even that (then the setting of maximum row/columns becomes 
completely kwin internal)
  - the location managed completely internally by the virtual desktop so they 
can have any layout, with holes anywhere
  - this simplifies a lot the code protocol-wise (in fact pretty much revertin 
the last commit in the branch)
  but then... how to manage collisions? allowing to set the same row/column to 
different desktops and make kwin responsibility of this not happening?

  R127 KWayland


To: mart, #kwin, #plasma, graesslin, hein
Cc: bshah, romangg, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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