kossebau marked 15 inline comments as done.
kossebau added inline comments.


> dhaumann wrote in abstractannotationitemdelegate.h:52
> I am asking myself: Is wrappedLineCount >= 1 always true? If so, can you add 
> this as documentation? wrappedLineCount == 1 means no wrapping line?

Yes. I see now that this can be confusing and semantically strange, if 
wrappedLineCount == 1 means actually no wrapping here. Unsure what ould be a 
better way to express this. One ould use the same name and define 0 to mean 
that no wrapping is done. And 1 would just be a bogus value? Proposals very 

> dhaumann wrote in abstractannotationitemdelegate.h:65
> Is this to be set by the user, and if so, is there any special meaning to a 
> default-constructed QSize()?

This parameter was inspired by QStyleOptionViewItem::decorationSize. I imagined 
it could be e.g. used if one ever starts to show avatar icons for commit 
authors in the annotations, or for other icon-based indicators which could be 
shown (bug fix, reviewed, etc).

There is no specification on the meaning of an invalid QSize with 
<http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstyleoptionviewitem.html#decorationSize-var>. I would 
tend to leave this here unspecified as well for now, until this gets in real 
use or the QStyleOptionViewItem one gets specified?

> dhaumann wrote in abstractannotationitemdelegate.h:80
> Is this a bitmask? The << 0, <<1, <<2 notation implies that it is.

Yes, as a line could be both begin and end of an annotation grouping (if both 
neighbour lines belong to different groups). Of course InGroup is mutually 
exclusive to GroupBegin and GroupEnd. IIRC (been some time since Nob 2017 :) ) 
I had used normal enum values, with another value GroupBeginAndEnd. But the 
resulting code using the enum was more complicated.
Not sure these days, perhaps I should retry. Need to recheck what similar 
enumas there are in the Qt world, so at least things are consistent.

> dhaumann wrote in abstractannotationitemdelegate.h:95
> You export the class, but then the constructors are inlined. Could you please 
> move the implementation to the cpp file? That leaves us more room to fixes by 
> shipping an updated version of the library.

Okay. I had looked at the other interface classes, those I looked at, even if 
QObject-based, are header-only, that's why it was done like this. Will change, 
as I remember from other projets e,g. Windows has issues with this.

> dhaumann wrote in kateannotationitemdelegate.cpp:52-53
> Given you check for a valid pointers here, would it also be an option to pass 
> references? Or would that violate Qt style API?

It is following QAbstractItemDelegate ::paint(...) 
<http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemdelegate.html#paint> signature here. So I 
would lean to stay with the current code. But as you prefer.

> dhaumann wrote in kateannotationitemdelegate.h:2-4
> Is this copyright really correct?

Indeed for the headerthere is no code copied over, well, besides the API being 
inspired by QAbstractItemDelegate. Reduced to mine.

> dhaumann wrote in kateannotationitemdelegate.h:9
> This is v2 only, I think this should be avoided at all costs... We try to get 
> to v2+... I think you can change this, since this is your work. Even if it's 
> based on others, the work of others is in the other files.

Changed this for the header and also for the source. While the initial code was 
copied over from kateviewhelpers.cpp (thus the complete license header), 
comparing it now to the original, I would think it has been that much rewritten 
to match the delegate API, that it safely can be called a copyrightable product 
of its own, with no substantial parts of the original left (where not required 
by the general Qt API).

> dhaumann wrote in kateviewhelpers.cpp:2636
> Do you really need the timer here? I thought update() goes through the event 
> queue anyways?

I copied existing code here, for consistency. No really sure when to call it 
directly and when to go via  event loop.

> dhaumann wrote in kateviewhelpers.cpp:2646
> 2nd time this comment pops up. Do you have an answer? In Qt, this would be an 
> extra setAutoFillBackgroundEnabled(bool) , or something similar... In any 
> case - this needs to be decided before the interface goes live :-)

Yes, this is a TODO question to you Kate developers :)
Currently KateIconBorder::paintBorder() paints the background per line with

  p.fillRect(0, y, w - 5, h, m_view->renderer()->config()->iconBarColor());

before starting to draw the annotation stuff and icons, which also cares for 
the displayed lines with no content.
I am unsure whether the delgate should be asked to take responsibility to care 
for at least blanking the view, or if it should assume some default background 
has been already painted.
QStyleOptionViewItem has a property `backgroundBrush` which seems to be expeted 
to be used by QAbstractItemDelegate, so if following that API completley, we 
would also do this here.
Just not sure if you prefer/like that. IMHO the delegate should care for the 
background, even if it means the KateIconBorder::paintBorder needs to be 
changed to no longer prefill the whole baclkground. Or it could still do it, 
for simplicity of code, but officially the delegate should do it.

  R39 KTextEditor


To: kossebau, #kate, #kdevelop
Cc: dhaumann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, kevinapavew, 
ngraham, bruns, demsking, cullmann, sars

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