bruns added a comment.

  In D11828#339379 <>, @poboiko wrote:
  > Looks fine to me. But do we really need to optimize it? I mean, I didn't 
see it running more than ~20 ms, and with this patch for small queries it runs 
like ~16 ms. Worst case is when user types something in KRunner, but again, the 
lag is negligible there.
  KRunner currently executes each search term 8 times, once for each of type in 
[ Audio, Video, Document, ...]. I think especially for krunner lower latency is 
important, as it does search-as-you-type.


> poboiko wrote in orpostingiterator.cpp:79
> I'm not really sure, do we actually need to set it to `nullptr`? It becomes 
> inaccessible after next line

It makes debugging a little bit nicer, erase is implemented as swap, and when 
setting it the vector only contains nullptrs after size() elements.

  R293 Baloo


To: bruns, #baloo, #frameworks, poboiko
Cc: fvogt, kde-frameworks-devel, #frameworks, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, 
astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams

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