poboiko added a comment.

  In D16165#342550 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D16165#342550>, @bruns wrote:
  > Unfortunately 375131 is quite vague, they all speak about "baloo" hanging, 
but as "baloo" is not a single process, it is impossible to tell for sure which 
process crashes or hangs.
  > Apparent hangs of baloo_file are easy to produce, create a file 
'baloo_file_extractor' with the following content:
  >   #! /bin/bash
  >   echo "S foobar"
  > make it executable, and then (after killing the current baloo_file), run 
`PATH=./<path_with_fake_extractor> <path_to>/baloo_file`. When you run 
baloo_monitor, you will see it says "Indexing foobar", but will make no further 
progress as the fake extractor has exited (equivalent to a crash here).
  > When you run baloo_file from build/bin, make sure you have the relevant 
baloo_file_extractor in the PATH first.
  Yeah, that's true. I guess that should be also not too hard to fix.
  But there is two parts of the bug. The first one is what you mentioned, while 
the second is about `baloo_file_extractor` eating 100% CPU part, which is a bit 
more "interesting"...

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: poboiko, #baloo, #frameworks
Cc: bruns, astippich, kde-frameworks-devel, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, spoorun, 
ngraham, abrahams

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