mart added a comment.

  In D17906#385857 <>, @filipf wrote:
  > With the exception of the case of the Windows Store (which does nonetheless 
manage to achieve some visual hierarchy with different font sizes and colors), 
others mostly actually have an opposite approach and go the bold/semi-bold 
route for the more prominent titles, which makes sense - you want to highlight 
the information contained in them. But the point of this patch is to just make 
sure the most important information is not made less important or even 
illegible, which is guaranteed if the labels are "regular" style.
  of all of those the one i prefer by a long shot is indeed windows store which 
actually looks exactly like our graphics,
  F6531451: Screenshot_20190107_145258.png 
<> is not conceptually different from 
F6531453: Screenshot_20190107_145312.png <> 
in any way really.
  the reason that in many places the visual hierarchy has been broken, like in 
plasma tooltips or calendar, is because the title text has been changed to be 
stupidly small, but the fact that it has been ruined, is not a good excuse to 
ruin it even more.

  R169 Kirigami

  no-light-headings (branched from master)


To: filipf, ngraham, #plasma, #vdg, #frameworks
Cc: rooty, #frameworks, ngraham, #plasma, #vdg, abetts, mart, plasma-devel, 
dkardarakos, apol, davidedmundson, hein

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