astippich added a comment.

  In D17302#417646 <>, @bruns wrote:
  > In D17302#410231 <>, @astippich 
  > > In D17302#410189 <>, @bruns 
  > >
  > > > Currently, both
  > > >  `Result::add(prop, "value1"); Result::add(prop, "value2");`
  > > > and
  > > >  `Result::add(prop, {"value1", "value2"});`
  > > >  are serialized (JSON) in the same way as `{prop: ["value1", 
"value2"]}` by Baloo, which is IMHO fine.
  > >
  > >
  > > This can lead to issues if e.g. two ReleaseYears are added from different 
extractors. That is probably impossible right now since KFileMetaData does not 
have multiple extractors for the same mimetype, but still. 
  > >  The result after deserialization is then a QVariantList with the values, 
and probably no client currently handles that since they expect no list.
  > >  IMHO Baloo should not alter the output of KFileMetaData in any way (e.g. 
merging, which it currently relies on for stringlist).
  > No, this is no issue. **Either** the client uses `QMap::find()`, and it 
will get exactly one value (QVariant), **or** it uses `QMap::values()` and it 
will **always** get a list (QVariantList == QList<QVariant>) - which may have a 
single element.
  I disagree. Right now, clients (Dolphin, Baloo-widgets, Elisa) only use 
QMap::find(), ignoring all other entries. Currently, properties of the integer 
are merged into list and will be given as a single property of QVariantList 
after deserialization. The clients then  directly call 
QVariant::toInt()/toDouble() etc., which fails if the result is a QVariantList. 
(This will be fixed by D19087 <> and D19088 
  >>> On the other hand,
  >>>  `Result::add(prop, "value1"); Result::add(prop, {"value2", "value3"});`
  >>>  ends up as `{prop: ["value1", ["value2", "value3"] ]}`, which is 
nonsense, should be `{prop: ["value1", "value2", "value3"]}`
  >> I have patches ready for that and was waiting on this revision to land in 
order to continue...
  >>  But as stated above, I also changed my mind, I do not think this is a 
good idea. This can happen if there are two extractors for the same mimetype.
  >>  In that case, the entries may also be duplicated and merging is not a 
good idea.
  >>> After deserializing, we should have `KFM::Propertymap pm.values(prop)` -> 
`QList<QVariant<QString>>({"value1", "value2", "value3"})`.
  >>> I am currently moving the serialization (in file/result.cpp) 
/deserialization (in file/file.cpp) into a separate function so it becomes 
  >> Anyways, the test tests how Baloo::Result _currently_ behaves. If another 
patch then modifies this behavior, the test should be changed when it lands.
  > No, it codifies that both, `add(value1); add(value2)` and `add({value1, 
value2})` have the same result. And next you say this is wrong ... Iff it is 
wrong, write down the *correct* behavior and make it QEXPECT_FAIL.
  Well, that is the current behavior, after deserialization you cannot 
differentiate between these two. And it is actually a nice behavior considering 
a smooth transition period. It ensures that multiple entries, falsely added 
individually by the extractors, are read as list, which is expected by the 
  If the extractors are switched to output stringlists instead of multiple 
properties, the same output is generated. Once all extractors are switched, the 
merging of the values can be removed, and the QMap will not be changed when 
  I can mark the merging of the strings as QEXPECT_FAIL if you prefer, but it 
looked wrong to me as the clients currently rely on that behavior.

  R293 Baloo


To: astippich, #baloo, bruns
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, domson, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, 
ngraham, bruns, abrahams

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