axionl added a comment.

  In D19324#419751 <>, @ndavis wrote:
  > Weird. In Inkscape, the logo looks like raster graphics, but in Dolphin and 
Gwenview it looks like vector graphics. Something is seriously screwed up in 
this SVG. Did you use Inkscape? Can you explain what process you used to make 
this icon?
  >  F6636063: Screenshot_20190226_020059.png 
  >  F6636069: Screenshot_20190226_020524.png 
  > In D19324#419700 <>, @ngraham 
  > > > `code-oss-dark.svg`
  > >
  > > Is this the correct name?
  > I don't think so. The Code-OSS flatpak and the VS Code RPM use `code.png`, 
so I think the name needs to be `code.svg` for light and dark Breeze icons. It 
would be a good idea to test if using icon themes actually works though, 
because `code.png` installs to 
`/usr/share/code/resources/app/resources/linux/code.png` and 
`/usr/share/pixmaps/code.png` instead of hicolor.
  I use the Gravit Designer ( to design this icon, not the 
inkscape, but I think I can redraw it by inkscape.
  For the filename, because I'm using archlinux and the icon name is 
`code-oss.svg` on `/usr/share/pixmaps`.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: axionl, #vdg
Cc: ndavis, rooty, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns

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