axionl added a comment.

  In D19324#421178 <>, @ndavis wrote:
  > Great. Now you just need to get rid of the invisible rectangle. You can do 
that quickly with `sed -i 's|<rect x="9.5367e-8" y="284.3" width="12.7" 
height="12.7" fill="none" opacity=".35"/>||' code.svg`. After you've done that, 
I can accept and land this.
  > BTW, you're meant to put the comment for the diff update at the top, but 
it's not a huge deal. That's why you keep getting this text in all of your 
update comments:
  >     - Merge branch 'master' into code-oss
  >   # Updating D19324: Add code-oss icon
  >   #
  >   # Enter a brief description of the changes included in this update.
  >   # The first line is used as subject, next lines as comment.
  >   #
  >   # If you intended to create a new revision, use:
  >   #  $ arc diff --create
  > The stuff to the left of the `#` characters is ignored if you put the 
comment at the top.
  This is my first time to contribute plasma/kde project, I feel sorry for my 
mistakes and thanks for your help.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: axionl, #vdg
Cc: ndavis, rooty, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns

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