ngraham added a comment.

  In D19771#431727 <>, @loh.tar wrote:
  > For me is your distinction between Find/Search not very intuitive. But OK, 
in terms of HIG may that somehow a wanted subtlety. Filter on the other hand is 
something else, yes, and here not fitting. So "Find..." in both cases.
  > Not answered are the questions about the removed label
  The idea is that we don't need a label if there's appropriate placeholder 
  > and if triple dots are bad, OK or in any case to substitute by true a 
ellipsis. Well, the latter I asked elsewhere T10258#178907 
  I'm not aware of why we tend to use three dots instead of the real ellipsis 
character. Possibly because that character can be challenging to type. Best to 
follow the existing convention, I think.
  > All these Q/A should be added as examples to the HIG
  Good idea.

  R39 KTextEditor


To: ognarb, #ktexteditor, #vdg
Cc: cfeck, loh.tar, ngraham, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, gennad, 
domson, michaelh, bruns, demsking, cullmann, sars, dhaumann

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