romangg added a comment.

  The bug report was online for two weeks and it was categorized as Baloo bug. 
You had more than enough time to notice it.
  I hoped I wouldn't need to waste any more time on this issue besides the time 
I already had to spent for working around this bug for two weeks, but now I had 
to setup baloo compilation myself, had to git bisect it and had to inform you. 
And now above all this unnecessary shit I have to deal with your ego being 
damaged when I reverted one isolated three lines patch of yours. Good news for 
you: the revert didn't fix the problem after reboot what I noticed now after I 
did one. Just when I restart baloo there is no more spam. So you can try to 
find the right solution now or you can continue being angry for no reason 
  Because guess what: you can revert the revert at any time or even better hand 
in a patch to fix the whole issue after all.

  R293 Baloo


To: bruns, #baloo, ngraham, astippich, poboiko
Cc: broulik, romangg, kde-frameworks-devel, #baloo, LeGast00n, sbergeron, 
fbampaloukas, domson, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham, 
bruns, abrahams

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