davidhurka added a comment.

  In D22617#499767 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D22617#499767>, @ndavis wrote:
  > Nice work!
  > I know a lot of monochrome icons currently use the bottom right position 
for the folded corner, but I think we should start using the top right. The 
bottom right clashes with our convention of putting additional symbols in the 
bottom right and all of our color icons use the top right for the corner fold.
  Makes sense, so I’m flipping snap-page now. Is that written down somewhere?
  Previously I thought a fold on the top is for documents, and a fold on the 
bottom for pages. Icons like file-new have a fold on the top, icons like 
insert-page-break have it at the bottom.
  > There are some additional changes I would like to see.
  > Naming scheme:
  >  Since this is changing the view, the naming scheme should be something 
like `view-pages-*` rather than `pagelayout-*`
  Because it’s changing the layout of page//s//, not a layout //in a// page, 
  > `pagelayout-single`: 
  >  This should be a relative symlink to `snap-page.svg` since they're the 
same icon.
  > `pagelayout-facing`:
  >  The 16px version is good, but the larger versions don't use up enough of 
the available canvas. In general, aim to use 100% of the allowed vertical space 
(16px in height with 3px top/bottom margins for 22px) unless that would force 
you to squish the symbols in an unattractive way.
  I have increased the height by 1px for the 22px icon.
  > `pagelayout-facing-first-centered`: 
  >  The top page should be centered to reflect how the view mode works. I 
think the top page shouldn't be cut off, but that means you'll need to shrink 
the size of the pages overall. This will be particularly difficult for the 16px 
version. If you can't get the 16px version to look right with a 2px margin on 
the top and bottom, I'll accept it with a 1px margin even though that goes 
against the HIG.
  I can’t follow you here. Centering the first page is a feature / technical 
detail of Okular, but it indicates that the first page is somehow special, like 
the cover page of a book. But your document could be a single chapter of the 
book as well, so the first page is just a regular odd-numbered page. That page 
should be aligned right.
  Now my 16px icon looks like a bunch of arrows, not so fine...
  >  ---
  > I don't think it's necessary to do 24px versions of these icons, but 
there's no harm in doing them. It's just more work.
  Removed them.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: davidhurka, #vdg, ndavis
Cc: #okular, kde-frameworks-devel, ngraham, LeGast00n, sbergeron, michaelh, 

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