ndavis added a comment.

  In D22617#500369 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D22617#500369>, @davidhurka 
  > Making the parts with background color transparent would be better, right? 
That would even work on systems which don’t access the stylesheet.
  Not necessarily. In Breeze, the normal window Background is `#eff0f1`, the 
ViewBackground is `#fcfcfc` and the selection background is `#3daee9`. If you 
use the Background class, you will have `#eff0f1`, whether the SVG is on top of 
a normal window background or not. This is more useful for Plasma themes than 
icons, but they're both made with SVGs and can use the same color classes.
  > So this means, changing the Neutral Text property on your system will 
modify the Beware Orange parts of breeze icons, yes? That’s what I meant with 
  > I could imagine adding this to the HIG: A table with the reduced breeze 
color palette, the color names, the corresponding color scheme entries, and the 
existing description to the color. (So only add the color scheme entry.)
  Yeah, showing a clearer relationship between color classes and default colors 
would be good.
  >> or fork, patch and merge request to submit a patch for that repo.
  > Not today, have to leave the wall plug now... :)

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: davidhurka, #vdg, ndavis
Cc: #okular, kde-frameworks-devel, ngraham, LeGast00n, sbergeron, michaelh, 

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