Inoki added a comment.

  In D22365#538245 <>, @lnj wrote:
  > There's something for notifications for iOS and macOS here:
  >  Would this patch already work on iOS or could a common API for both be 
  > (I have no experiences with iOS or macOS, but we (Kaidan) would like to 
support notifications on iOS in the future.)
  Yes, I use NSNotification API and in theory, it works on iOS but I have no 
idea how to test.
  One more thing: Apple plans to mark NSNotification as Deprecated and uses 
UserNotification API in the newer macOS(10.15+) and iOS(13+). It will be nice 
to use that set of APIs for Apple's platform


To: Inoki, rjvbb, nicolasfella
Cc: lnj, nicolasfella, broulik, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, 
michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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