kossebau added a comment.

  Thanks for your reply, Christian :)
  In D23789#538876 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D23789#538876>, @chehrlic wrote:
  > In D23789#536338 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D23789#536338>, @kossebau 
  > > Actual questions I have:
  > >
  > > - why is QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE not officially documented? like, 
any plans to change that macro to something else?
  > Just forgot it (and also the reviewers) I would guess. There is no plan to 
change it, at least none I'm aware of. I'm looking for an automatic generation 
of this macro.
  Okay. So will keep it documented as part of public API here then.
  > Since Qt6 switches to CMake I can maybe borrow some stuff from you ;)
  Sure :) As others commented and what I think as well, this should be even 
candidate for being added to upstream in some variant, once it has proven to 
work out.
  >> - why has all Qt code not yet been adapted to 
macros should not be used, but the version-less ones?
  > Because noone wanted to do the work and it was added late in the Qt5 
lifetime -> A lot of stuff was deprecated for a long time already (in Qt4 
times) and there is was a replacement since Qt5.0.0 so the macro was not needed 
(even though a lot of people got very angry about it). I added it for some new 
signals which created a lot of discussion since the old ones are widely used.
  Can you point to those discussions? Would be curious to learn what people's 
thought are.
  >> - why did you go for both QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION & QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X, 
are there places where no message will be wanted?
  > Just for consistency - we've QT_DEPRECATED and QT_DEPRECATED_X but I think 
QT_DEPRECATED should be deprecated by itself. I hope no reviewer will accept a 
  So you would also think that message-less variants will not be needed I 
understand. Okay. From what I tested with experimentally deploying the macros 
on some KF modules I almost always could add a useful message, so running short 
of reasons for keeping a message-less variant :)
  > The main problem with the macro is that you have to create a new one for 
each version so it will become lengthy. But I could not find a better solution 
somewhere - in the end it's only macro magic from the 80s... :(
  Also had no better idea, but then I am also nowhere a C++ macro magician, I 
operate by manual mostly :) Thankfully with the proposed cmake-generated 
approach here it's more a matter of adding another version to the 
`DEPRECATION_VERSIONS` list, and nobody looks into generated code anyway.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: kossebau
Cc: chehrlic, dfaure, cgiboudeaux, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, 
LeGast00n, GB_2, bencreasy, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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