vkrause added a comment.

  In D24443#543140 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24443#543140>, @vkrause wrote:
  > - Is KDeclarative is the right place for this? It's a module on the way out 
in KF6, it is hard to build for Android due to its dependency chain (which 
isn't even needed for this), while at the same time forcing ABI stability on 
this basically immediately without much chance for battle testing this.
  Uh, where did I get the idea from that this is in KDeclarative? So that part 
of the comment is obviously nonsense. The concern about committing to ABI too 
quickly remains though.


To: nicolasfella, #frameworks, #plasma
Cc: vkrause, dvratil, davidedmundson, dhaumann

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