leinir added a comment.

  In D25173#559588 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25173#559588>, @ngraham wrote:
  > I still see "Loading Data" in a passiveNotification as well as in text 
under the loading indicator.
  i'm seeing a couple of bits which really probably want to be turned into 
something else (but as separate diffs, as i'm not really keen on this ending up 
yet another several-months-long saga):
  - Loading data (which should really just be an inline item (probably the 
footer) with a spinner to indicate when the model is fetching more items)
  - Loading one preview (which is basically just debug information and should 
be turned into that)
  > Do we really need the passiveNotifications at all? I think we can probably 
improve the user experience vy removing them entirely. For example instead of 
"Loading one preview" we can just show individual loading indicators on the 
previews themselves
  i'm afraid we do - as you might gather from that short list above, there's an 
enormous amount of of these bits of information being thrown back from the 
engine, and until we're certain we have captured all of them by some other 
method (and removed the noise), we really can't just get rid of it. (yes, i 
realise how much you dislike[1] them, and i'm quite happy to move towards 
removing them, we just can't do it by just straight up removing them entirely. 
We also can't simply replace it with a dialog box either, because /some/ are 
informational and can be safely ignored, while some are important, and there's 
no straightforward way to tell which is which)
  [1] was going to say hate, but it's a terribly strong term, and i feel like 
we probably need to reserve it for things which actually deserve that strength 

  R304 KNewStuff


To: leinir, #knewstuff, #frameworks, ngraham, #vdg
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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