feverfew added a comment.

  So before this patch we had the following behaviour:
  1. If app is KIO-enabled, pass URLs unchanged.
  2. else for each URL, if app claims to support the protocol pass the original 
URL, otherwise change the URL to the corresponding KIOExec path.
  This causes a problem as noted in 330192 
<https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330192> and this blog post 
<https://pointieststick.com/2018/01/17/videos-on-samba-shares>. In particular, 
if a non-KIO claims to support a certain protocol (e.g., VLC supports smb), 
then we won't convert to a KIOExec path, but we strip out the stuff that's in 
`userInfo()` (credentials) before sending it over.
  What I previously tried to do was the following, in an attempt to close:
  1. If app is KIO-enabled, pass URLs unchanged.
  2. else for each URL, if app claims to support the protocol **AND**  
`userInfo()` is empty pass the original URL, otherwise change the URL to the 
corresponding KIOExec path.
  However, that doesn't really help as apparently even if, say, a samba share 
is password protected, at the point I'm checking the password in 
`resolveURLs()` or `resultingArguments()` (truth be told, I'm not sure which, 
if not both, codepaths are being hit in our current testing), `userInfo()` is 
always empty, so this optimisation isn't possible.
  So then one could just always direct non-KIO apps to use KIOFuse. Well that 
causes another problem, what about stuff like http(s)? It doesn't really make 
sense as a filesystem and we'd definitely like to forward it to the browser. So 
currently I can special case http/https. but is that the only one we want to 
special case?
  Ideally, I'd like to know if there is a place where `userInfo` is only empty 
when there is genuinely no user/pass combo needed to access the resource at the 
URL. If so, then it can actually be possible to use KIOFuse on apps that 
support a URL only if it needs to have credentials (which it won't have) such 
that 330192 can be closed, without needing any hacks.

  R241 KIO


To: feverfew, fvogt, davidedmundson, dfaure, ngraham
Cc: broulik, sitter, davidedmundson, kde-frameworks-devel, ngraham, LeGast00n, 
GB_2, michaelh, bruns

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