tmarshall added inline comments.


> tmarshall wrote in copyjob.cpp:1119
> Please help me understand for a moment. I'm not the original author of this 
> patch and am trying to bring it to completion. I just need to be caught up to 
> speed. In reading this piece of code over, I wasn't entirely sure of the 
> author's intent. It seems like he wants to create a new job which copies the 
> xattrs and then run it asynchronously. Why is the exec call bad? What does a 
> lambda do that the exec call does not?
> In terms of determining when the job is actually required, one could test to 
> see if the file has xattrs or indeed if the system has xattrs support. We 
> could surround the invokation of the xattrs copy job with an `#ifdef 
> HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H`, for example.

And do we want this to be sync or async? That much isn't clear to me.

  R241 KIO


To: tmarshall, dfaure, chinmoyr, bruns, #frameworks, cochise
Cc: tmarshall, arrowd, cfeck, bruns, phidrho, dhaumann, funkybomber, abika, 
pino, davidedmundson, ngraham, atha.kane, spoorun, nicolasfella, 
kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh

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