I know that this is an upstream question, but let me start here.
Why have
when you can have

I like to have many sessions open in one konsole window and I also like having
meaningful/useful titles for them (set via %w plus shell magic).  Having a title
*always* limited to 20 characters (regardless of number of tabs or tab width)
really sucks.

The change was trivial, in apps/konsole/src/ViewContainer.cpp first add
setElideMode() to constructor of ViewContainerTabBar, so that it looks like 

ViewContainerTabBar::ViewContainerTabBar(QWidget* parent,TabbedViewContainer*
    : KTabBar(parent)
    , _container(container)
    , _dropIndicator(0)
    , _dropIndicatorIndex(-1)
    , _drawIndicatorDisabled(false)

And then drop the stupid limiting code:
void TabbedViewContainer::updateTitle(ViewProperties* item)
    // prevent tab titles from becoming overly-long as this limits the number
    // of tabs which can fit in the tab bar.
    // if the view's title is overly long then trim it and select the
    // right-most 20 characters (assuming they contain the most useful
    // information) and insert an elide at the front
    const int MAX_TAB_TEXT_LENGTH = 20;

    QListIterator<QWidget*> iter(widgetsForItem(item));
    while ( iter.hasNext() )
        const int index = _stackWidget->indexOf( iter.next() );

        QString tabText = item->title();
#if 0
        if (tabText.count() > MAX_TAB_TEXT_LENGTH)
            tabText = tabText.right(MAX_TAB_TEXT_LENGTH).prepend("...");
        _tabBar->setTabText( index , tabText );

Proper diff is coming later ;-)

Andriy Gapon
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