On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 06:22:46PM -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> Dear Raptor Maintainer,
> Since the very recent svn commit r309203, textproc/raptor2 doesn't build
> because it is testing for icuuc.48, and icuuc is now at 50.  It looks
> like a simple change.
> Actually, since I am a ports committer, I guess I could commit it
> myself.  But I know nothing about icuuc or raptor, so I am a bit
> insecure about doing it.
> Also, I am not subscribed to the kde list, so if someone wants to
> include me in the reply, make sure I am listed.
> Stephen

Oops I forgot it in my commit, fixed now, thanks!


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