On Tuesday 16 December 2014 15:00:42 Schaich, Alonso wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 16:53:45 -0500
> Ajtim <lum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > The KDE 4.14.3 installed from area51 works fine but KMail has the same
> > problem as it had after update of kdepim4 for KDE 4.14.2,
> That's sad. Does the workaround Oleg Nauman wrote about here work for you?
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-freebsd/2014-November/018472.html
Thank you.
Sometimes help sometimes doesn't work. But what I fnd intersting is that when 
I run Lumina wm and I use KMail also I don't have a problem. I need to tested 

> > 
> > BTW: Is the area51 down?
> It was down for some days last week, but it's up again.
> Alonso

Thank you.
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