On Sun, 24 Jan 2016 03:27:51 -0500
"Mikhail T." <mi+t...@aldan.algebra.com> wrote:

> The .xsession-errors here is being spammed with the lines like this:
>     kwin(18477) KWin::checkGLError: GL error ( PostPaint ): 
> The machine uses an NVidia card with two large displays -- a setup
> which, probably, does use more than average amounts of memory.
> Is there a way to increase the amount available to OpenGL? The box has
> 8Gb of RAM... Thanks! Yours,
>     -mi


There's a number of reasons why GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY could be emitted,
however the usual advise is to update drivers.

I've attached the source of an application that will output video
memory information using nvidia's opengl extention. It should build with

> cc $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gl glu x11) NVX_gpu_memory_info.c

on a box with kde and it's dependencies installed.

Do you have any custom xorg.conf tuning?


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