----- Original Message ----
> From: Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net>
> To: kde@mail.kde.org
> Sent: Wed, 1 June, 2011 14:55:03
> Subject: [kde] Re: How do I remove the "new activity" item from the desktop? 
> Felix Miata posted on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 08:43:09 -0400 as excerpted:
> >  On 2011/06/01 02:29 (GMT-0700) John Woodhouse composed:
> > 
> >> The  important aspects are the edid disables. Also the 2 power save over
> >>  rides if like me you want your monitor to remain on what ever. I use
> >>  the power switch. I also wish there was a desktop switch to enable  and
> >> disable system power save modes at will. As things stand I have  to
> >> install noacpi or it drives me up the wall.
> > 
> >  'Option "DPMS" "off"' isn't good enough for you?
> If you check his link,  that's what he's referring to with "power save over 
> rides".
> It seems  pretty basic to me, nothing worth commenting about as it's 
> ordinary  xorg.conf functionality that was there long before it was even 
> xorg.conf  (while it was still xf86config), but then, I've been handling 
> manual X  configs since I was forced to do so back in late 2001 to get my 
> (then)  triple-head setup working in Linux as I switched from MS Windows 98 
> instead  of upgrading to eXPrivacy.  But I imagine it might be worth 
> commenting  on for someone who has just discovered the manual config method 
> after  struggling with an uncooperative GUI for awhile...
> -- 
> Duncan - List  replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a  master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard  Stallman
> ___________________________________________________
I never go down there or even into the shell unless I need to. Suse and then 
Opensuse were rather good on this aspect but the install has worsened with time 
and the desktop system utility is no longer supported so has been dropped. ;-) 
posted that lot just to show that there are other ways than those suggested by 
the many shell bashers. The other problem on opensuse is that there are many 
many sets of out of date instructions and one click installs about in all areas 
that are sure to mess the system up. Anyway as I found web doc abounds but not 
really that helpful as there are zero examples I'm aware of or could find I 
posted it as it might help some. The reads have grown enormously since last 
I looked. There are many very helpful people on that forum but most have their 
way of doing things and wont even consider other ways.

By the way 2 dpms's in my case worked. 1 didn't. I suspect this is down to some 
newer graphics cards. Not sure.


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