It's using opengl?

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On Sep 18, 2012 1:39 PM, "Bogus Zaba" <> wrote:

> On 09/18/2012 02:21 AM, Duncan wrote:
>> Bogus Zaba posted on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 20:13:42 +0100 as excerpted:
>>  Did not work, but maybe there there is a clue here because this middle
>>> tab is...
>>> completely empty! There is a one-line text box into which you can type a
>>> search term and a much bigger box which presumably should contain a long
>>> list of effects which I should be able to play with.
>>> This is weird because the system clearly does know about available
>>> effects because on the first tab I have set (for example) : Effect for
>>> window switching to "Box Switch" from a pick-list.
>> Wow!  I'd say that probably has something to do with it, for sure!  But
>> it's totally out of the blue, for me.  I've never seen or heard anything
>> like it!
>> Two possibilities and if those (and sdowdy's suggestions) don't pan out,
>> hit bugzilla and see if there's anything close.  I'd say file a bug if
>> you don't find anything like it, but what they're working on now is one
>> and a half to two years of development beyond the 4.6 you're running, so
>> it's probably not worth even thinking about at this point, if there's
>> nothing already there about it.  Once the new Slackware's out and you're
>> on 4.8.x, however, if the bug's still there, I'd file it.
>> There are only two possibilities I can think of that would be anywhere
>> /close/ to that.
>> 1) Check to be sure, you're running kwin as the window manager, correct?
>> Obviously if it somehow got replaced by compiz or the like, there'd be
>> some dramatic loss of window manager configurability within kde, but I've
>> never tried it, so I'm not sure what the symptoms would look like.
>> Probably the easiest way to be sure kwin's your window manager is to run
>> kwin --replace, from krunner or the like.  You might also try from konsole
>> or the like, and see if it spits out any useful information as errors,
>> but if it's like most kde apps, devs apparently don't expect users to be
>> watching STDOUT/STDERR at all, so they print out all kinds of alarming
>> looking stuff even when things are working, for all one can tell.  As a
>> result, that output tends to be useless for troubleshooting unless you
>> have another similarly configured system that's working to try it on as
>> well, and can do a diff to eliminate all the "normal noise".
>>  kwin --replace seemed to work just fine - everything looked exactly like
> it did prior to the command, plus I got the following valuable (?) output
> in konsole. It is clearly warning me that some effects are not supported,
> although it remains a mystery as to why.
> bogzab:~/Documents> kwin --replace
> OpenGL vendor string:                   NVIDIA Corporation
> OpenGL renderer string:                 GeForce 7300 SE/7200
> OpenGL version string:                  2.1.2 NVIDIA 295.33
> OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
> Driver:                                 NVIDIA
> Driver version:                         295.33
> GPU class:                              NV40/G70
> OpenGL version:                         2.1.2
> GLSL version:                           1.20
> X server version:                       1.9.5
> Linux kernel version:                   2.6.37
> Direct rendering:                       yes
> Requires strict binding:                no
> GLSL shaders:                           limited
> Texture NPOT support:                   yes
> kwin(1021) KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl::**loadEffect:
> EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect  "kwin4_effect_blur"  is not supported
> kwin(1021) KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl::**loadEffect:
> EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect  "kwin4_effect_flipswitch"  is not
> supported
> kwin(1021) KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl::**loadEffect:
> EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect  "kwin4_effect_startupfeedback" is not
> supported
> kwin(1021) KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl::**loadEffect:
> EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect  "kwin4_effect_screenshot"  is not
> supported
> kwin(1021) KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl::**loadEffect:
> EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect  "kwin4_effect_coverswitch"  is not
> supported
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