On Thursday September 07 2017 19:35:58 cr wrote:

>I installed Debian 9 on my server and it came with kmail 5.   I use mostly 
>Gnome apps, currently with LXDE desktop, Kmail's the only kde program I run 
>aside from k3b.    And it really is 'kdewallet'.

kdewallet is the default name for the wallet file that kwallet will create for 
you unless told to do otherwise. The software is split in 2 projects: the 
KWallet framework and the kwalletmanager utility to interact with it. I'd be 
surprised if Debian deviated from their habits used "kdewallet" in their 
package names.

>At some point I think I will try uninstalling kdewallet and see what breaks... 

You could probably figure out how to not USE the kwallet service - KDE PIM4 has 
a fallback in which it stores passwords in hardly encrypted form in its own 
config (rc) files when kwallet isn't functioning. I never managed to get it to 
ask once (per session) for each email password and then cache that in memory, 
like you can with Thunderbird.

I strongly doubt that you can uninstall the kwallet framework; that's a shared 
library and dependency for probably every PIM component that needs to be able 
to authenticate. Remove the library and all those components will refuse to 


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