
I'm running into two problems with the new keyframe import system. Drag and drop with the new graphical display is great! Much more intuitive than the old Ctrl+Click method. This surely is another big improvement to Kdenlive usability.

In a test project I have a clip in my project bin. I then add an auto mask effect to the clip in the bin. Next, I run analyze so I get the movement data for keyframes. Then I drag and drop the analysis data from the properties of the bin clip onto an affine transition. The new import dialog shows up and I press okay.

Unfortunately, the imported keyframes of the affine transition are completely incorrect. Both a) temporal as well as b) in space (X, Y).

a) It seems that the temporal position of keyframes dropped on an affine transition is always relative to 00:00:00.0 of the source clip, but not relative to the beginning of the transition. For this to work, the import would need to know where to start from: either I'm missing here something important or there's a general bug in here. When I instead run an auto mask analyze on the clip region from the timeline, there are fewer keyframes, yet still incorrect in their temporal position.

b) while the import dialog correctly shows the X, Y movement data, all final imported keyframes have X and Y set to 0. Locale bug? I don't know, but these are integers, so there may be something else buggy here.

With best regards,

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