
just want to ask here before filing a bug report: just started work on two new Kdenlive projects. For convenience, I cloned the first project in an early stage to be used as the starting point for the second project. And then I noticed something concerning preview rendering...

1. While working on the first project, I preview rendered the first few seconds consisting of the titling for this episode #23. So far, so good.

2. Then worked on the second project and replaced the title for this separate episode #24. Now, the fun starts: when preview rendering the same zone for the titling, Kdenlive happily picked up the preview rendering from episode #23, which I can clearly see as preview now uses the wrong titling.

So, this brings me to my question: does the document identity correctly change when I copy a project?

Best regards,

PS: As always, doing actual projects on the bleeding edge...
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