On Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016 01:25:45 CET, Vincent Pinon wrote:
... but it crashes as soon as you place a video clip on the timeline /o\
At least you can play with audio / color clips... hum!

Woow! Congratulation, that's a fantastic progress! If you can play audio and color clips, it means that the OpenGL and SDL code works which is a huge part.

Looking forward to hear from you tomorrow.


It has taken so many months of (discontinuous) effort that it is already a great relief.
Now starts the (maybe huge) debug effort.

For anyone interested, I've shared the binaries here (valid 30 days):
sha256sum: 0a10fe803a998c7876ba021de558fc98e469748f6f50245bee52d9a820779c49

it takes some time to load, and then you have to "Force Breeze Icons" from "Settings" menu...

The recipe to cross build it yourself from a linux box (with mxe build deps+host qt5 dev tools):
git clone https://github.com/vpinon/mxe
cd mxe
make kdenlive

That's it!

Now going to bed, I have to take some rest before bug squashing on Friday :)


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