--- Comment #10 from Achim Bohnet <> ---
Next go:

The DFN CA and MPG CA in the chain of my personal zertificate as the Issuers:
a) DN: CN=DFN-Verein PCA Global - G01,OU=DFN-PKI,O=DFN-Verein,C=DE
b) DN: CN=MPG CA,O=Max-Planck-Gesellschaft,C=DE

There are 2 certificates in my pubring matching the string (a) and (b)
(well, (a) matches 3 but one is revoked) both of them are valid until Jul 2019.

The two variants differ in that the older one uses SHA1 (valid since ~ 2006/7)
as the hash algorithm and the other uses SHA256 (valid since  2014).

I've deleted the SHA1 variant of DFN CA - G01 and(!) MPG CA - G01 and now
the kmail accepts E-Mail signed by me as valid.  I can even sent e-mails
signed by me, without disabling CRL checks in kmail settings.  Yeah!

So my cert has an IssuerString MPG CA ... matching an SHA1 cert and SHA256
cert.  DITTO for the MPG CA ... cert itself that has the DFN issuer value
mathing also 2 valid cert (one SHA1 one SHA256).

So AFAIU the problematic spot is:
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: DBG: chan_10 <- INQUIRE SENDCERT
/CN=DFN-Verein PCA Global - G01,OU=DFN-PKI,O=DFN-Verein,C=DE
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: certificate not found: Mehrdeutiger
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: DBG: chan_10 -> CAN
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: DBG: chan_10 <- ERR 167772217 Fehlendes
Zertifikat <Dirmngr>
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: DBG: chan_404 -> D
PCA Global - G01,OU=DFN-PKI,O=DFN-Verein,C=DE::cC:::%0Afpr:::::::::
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: DBG: chan_404 -> OK
  4 - 2018-06-15 09:31:02 gpgsm[14885]: DBG: chan_404 <- BYE

gpgsm is 2.1.11-6ubuntu2.1  and kmail is v18.04.1 (from 16.04/Neon User with

So my conclusion is FWIW: the DN is not unique, so 2 matches are found.  (Ditto
for the DFN CA G01) and validating signatures and sending of signed/encryped
Mail in kmail fails.

What confuses me is that Thunderbird on the same system does not complain.
Maybe kmail should use Subject instead DN?  Or thunderbird is buggy or ... well
I don't know.

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