--- Comment #4 from Dave Connett <> ---
(In reply to gjditchfield from comment #1)
> Please use akonadiconsole to look at the undisplayed events. Are you listed
> as an ATTENDEE?  If so, this could be bug 436812.

Based on a few tests, I don't think they are the same bug.

Tests ran:
   1. I created an event with only myself, not recurring -> It displayed
   2. I had a friend create an event and send it to me, not recurring -> It
   3. I created an event with only myself, recurring every week -> Did not
   4. I changed RSVP to "Maybe" (previously a "Yes") to one of the recurring
(daily) events already on my calendar that was previously not appearing -> The
single event displayed
   5. I replied as a "Maybe" to the recurring event referenced in test #4, but
for the previous day -> Event #4 disappeared and this event displayed
   6. I changed test #4 RSVP from "Maybe" back to "Yes" -> event referenced in
test #5 disappeared, and event #4 displayed
   7. I changed RSVP to all recurring events referenced in tests 4, 5, and 6 ->
No change: event from test #4 is still the only one that displays in this

I have attached two files containing raw data from my Akonadi Console for two
events: one that is displaying as expected, and one that is not.

Here is the diff between to the two files: 
< DTSTAMP:20220829T160523Z
< X-KDE-LIBKGAPI-EventId:m79fsiqpfv5n18h6ikdpo737hr_20220829T160000Z
> DTSTAMP:20220830T133254Z
> X-KDE-LIBKGAPI-EventId:1pqtfomf40achkvc4s831kdk8r
< LAST-MODIFIED:20220829T160523Z
> LAST-MODIFIED:20220830T133254Z
< DTSTART;TZID=America/Detroit:20220829T120000
< DTEND;TZID=America/Detroit:20220829T122500
> DTSTART;TZID=America/Detroit:20220829T110000
> DTEND;TZID=America/Detroit:20220829T121500

It looks like it's something potentially related to event recurrence, though
there are many other parameters I didn't control for.

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