--- Comment #82 from Jan Hackel <> ---
In my '~/.xsession-errors' file appear several nepomuk related errors while
typing into the address field. From what I gather, it is not the actual search
which fails but the retrieval of the found items.

When I type "Andr" for the first three keystrokes there will be errors like:

/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(4947)" Soprano: "SQLExecDirect failed on query
'sparql prefix
?group WHERE {   graph ?g {     ?group
<> ?itemId .     ?group
nco:contactGroupName ?v .     ?v bif:contains "'And*'"  } }' (iODBC Error:
[OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]FT370: Wildcard word needs at
least 4 leading characters)"

Ok, nepomuk needs at least four characters before actually doing a search.
These errors cease with the fourth character. Instead I get something like

[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(4947)" Soprano:
"SQLExecDirect failed on query 'sparql SELECT DISTINCT ?r ?reqProp1 WHERE {
nepomuk:/res/d7e1e2fa-1e49-461f-b8a4-af8c95f99777 a ?v2 .
<> ?reqProp1 . } LIMIT
1' (iODBC Error: [OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: Line
1: SP030: SPARQL compiler, line 1: Undefined namespace prefix at 'nepomuk'
before '/')"

That seems to be a query for an individual item, most probably a contact. I
suppose all the strings starting with "nepomuk" should be bracketed in '<>' .
At least I get a result when doing such an query using the command line
'sopranocmd --dbus org.kde.NepomukStorage --model main query ' followed by such
a bracketed query.

Using: KDE 4.8.1 on gentoo.

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