--- Comment #1 from ---
Created attachment 72867
New crash information added by DrKonqi

akonadi_imap_resource (4.8) on KDE Platform 4.8.4 (4.8.4) using Qt 4.8.2

- What I was doing when the application crashed:

Kontact was closed, I restarted it, an error dialog box appeared about a
problem communicating with gmail, a password prompt for the imap account
appeared, and, upon entering the password, the resource crashed.

-- Backtrace (Reduced):
#7  0xb73a0068 in QObject::connect (sender=0x930eb50, signal=0x80ae284
receiver=0x91b50f0, method=0x80ae240
type=Qt::AutoConnection) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2560
#8  0x0809c588 in SessionPool::onPasswordRequestDone (this=0x91b50f0,
resultType=0, password=...) at
#9  0x0809e1b0 in SessionPool::qt_static_metacall (_o=0x91b50f0,
_c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=9, _a=0xbff68a04) at
#11 0x080885ef in PasswordRequesterInterface::done (this=0x91c2da8, _t1=0,
_t2=...) at
#12 0x08065f30 in SettingsPasswordRequester::onPasswordRequestCompleted
(this=0x91c2da8, password=..., userRejected=false) at

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