I was able to fix this problem by changing this (under "Dhcp6": { ):

"preferred-lifetime": 600,

"valid-lifetime": 600,

"renew-timer": 500,

"rebind-timer": 400,

To this:

"valid-lifetime": 400,

"renew-timer": 100,

"rebind-timer": 200,

"preferred-lifetime": 300,

I'm sure the order didn't matter.  However, I believe the problem was that
renew-timer was higher than rebind-timer before.  If that is indeed the
problem, might want to have the server check for that and refuse to run if
it is encountered.

All three clients are now able to get an address.

I was able to recreate the clients not getting an address by simply setting:

"renew-timer": 300,

"rebind-timer": 200,

This is valid:

"renew-timer": 200,

"rebind-timer": 200,

This is also valid:

"valid-lifetime": 400,

"renew-timer": 500,

"rebind-timer": 600,

"preferred-lifetime": 300,

It appears that it works as long as the renew timer is lower or the same as
the rebind timer.

Further testing shows that "preferred-lifetime" cannot be larger than
"valid-lifetime" as:

"valid-lifetime": 600,

"preferred-lifetime": 900,

does not work but:

"valid-lifetime": 600,

"preferred-lifetime": 600,


Server does not complain about any of these scenarios.  Just food for
thought that you might want it to complain.
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