> Francis, I was thinking that it would be cool to put stuff like this in a 
> knowledge base or something on the wiki to pull together how to do things 
> like this. Alternately we could have a GIT repo of contributed configuration 
> examples that have been validated by users who know what they are doing. :) 
> Obviously this would need to be treated like any other open source project, 
> but would be really cool way to share example configs to increase adoption 
> velocity. Something to consider... Perhaps this is something Victoria would 
> be interested in looking at?
> Thanks,
> Jason

Hi Jason,

We are indeed trying to figure out the best way to support this. Our current 
Knowledge base (kb.isc.org <http://kb.isc.org/>) is self-hosted, using some 
software that I think was last updated in 2013. We are worried about the lack 
of software maintenance. We also turned off the ability for readers to add 
comments several years ago, because people were posting technical questions 
(and spam) and we didn’t have time to curate it.

We are looking at several options for where to move the existing content, and 
create new content. We haven’t figured it out yet.  One option is a web forum 
(we have one set up, but haven’t launched it yet at forum.isc.org 
<http://forum.isc.org/>), another idea is to use the Kea github repo for 

Although a forum is easiest for this kind of thing, it is also somewhat 
competitive with the mailing list. We are not sure we have time to read both, 
and we figure many of you don’t either.  We do have a separate Kea-contrib 
github repo (https://github.com/isc-projects/kea-contrib 
<https://github.com/isc-projects/kea-contrib>), and maybe people could post 
configurations there, adding a link to the configuration file and a description 
on the main README page for each configuration?

What do you all think?  What’s the best way to share sample configurations that 


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