Hi, I have a postgres reservation database with kea 1.3. My dhcp.dhcp4_options table works but I don't seem able to force kea always to send an option even if not requested by the client. In the static config you'd use "always-send: true" for this.

My understanding from https://kea.isc.org/wiki/HostReservationDesign is that this is achieved by setting "persistent" to true, but even with data like:

 option_id | code |   value    |              formatted_value               | 
space | persistent | dhcp_client_class | dhcp4_subnet_id | host_id | scope_id
      5236 |  209 |            | spong/wibble                               | 
dhcp4 | t          |                   |               9 |    3160 |        3

I don't seem to get the option sent always.

Any clues?


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