Hello Kea-users,

One of our 2018 Google Summer of Code interns has created an open source 
graphical dashboard for Kea, based on the Glass dashboard created for ISC DHCP. 
 This tool enables you to monitor active leases and track leases per second, 
view shared network and subnet utilization easily, expand or delete subnets and 
shared networks, view Kea logs, and update Kea configurations.

Jerin John will be demonstrating the Kea dashboard and taking questions in a 
live webinar on August 8th. The dashboard is ready for use although it should 
be considered experimental at this point.  To take a look at Anterius in 
advance, check out https://github.com/isc-projects/kea-anterius.

We ask you to pre-register if you are interested in attending so we can get 
some idea of the number of attendees. Everyone is welcome.

Demo/Webinar: Wednesday August 8th, 9 AM Pacific Daylight time (16:00 UTC).
Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LQ6PtjWIRvyKfECdCrU0UA

We are looking forward to your feedback on this new project.

Victoria Risk
Product Manager
Internet Systems Consortium

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