

Thank you for your help, I didn't install mysql-community-devel that is my
problem. After I install mysql-community-devel, the configuration flag was


I was install Kea 1.3.0 to another server without dhcp-mysql and now I want
to use mysql feature. I don't want to stop dhcp service. What can I do for
the running dhcp service? 







>In 1.3.0, the configuration flag was actually this: --with-dhcp-mysql



>   --with-dhcp-mysql=PATH  path to the MySQL 'mysql_config' script (MySQL

>                           used for the DHCP database)



>In 1.4.0, we dropped "-dhcp-".  You may want to go ahead and download 

>1.4.0, since you're just getting started.  Might as well be current.




>Thomas Markwalder

>ISC Software Engineering




>On 08/03/2018 10:13 AM, Batuhan BAKIP wrote:


>> Hi,


>> When I build from source code Kea 1.3.0, result of mysql is coming "no".


>> I wrote  "./configure --prefix=/opt/kea --with-mysql " and the result 

>> is below. How to enable mysql?


>> Kea source configure results:


>>     -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


>> Package:


>>   Name:            kea


>>   Version:         1.3.0


>>   Extended version:1.3.0 (tarball)


>>   OS Family:       Linux


>>   Using GNU sed:   yes


>>   Premium package: no


>> C++ Compiler:


>>   CXX:             g++ --std=c++11


>>   CXX_VERSION:     g++ (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)


>>   CXX_STANDARD:    201103


>>   DEFS:            -DHAVE_CONFIG_H


>>   CPPFLAGS:         -DOS_LINUX -I$(top_srcdir)/ext/coroutine 



>>   CXXFLAGS:        -g -O2


>>   LDFLAGS:          -lpthread


>>   KEA_CXXFLAGS:     -Wall -Wextra -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wwrite-strings 

>> -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-sign-compare -pthread 

>> -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fPIC


>> Python:


>>   PYTHON_VERSION:  not needed (because kea-shell is disabled)


>> Boost:


>>   BOOST_VERSION:   1.53




>>   BOOST_LIBS:       -lboost_system


>> OpenSSL:


>>   CRYPTO_VERSION:  OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017








>>   CRYPTO_LIBS:     -lcrypto


>> Botan: no


>> Log4cplus:




>>   LOG4CPLUS_INCLUDES: -I/usr/include


>>   LOG4CPLUS_LIBS:  -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib64 -llog4cplus


>> Flex/bison:


>>   FLEX:  :


>>   BISON: yacc


>> MySQL:


>>   no


>> PostgreSQL:


>>   no


>> Cassandra CQL:


>>   no


>> Developer:


>>   Enable Debugging: no


>>   Google Tests: no


>>   Valgrind: not found


>>   C++ Code Coverage: no


>>   Logger checks: no


>>   Generate Documentation: no


>>   Parser Generation: no


>>   Kea-shell: no


>>   Now you can type "make" to build Kea. Note that if you intend to


>>   run "make check", you must run "make" first as some files need to be


>>   generated by "make" before "make check" can be run.


>>   When running "make install" do not use any form of parallel or job


>>   server options (such as GNU make's -j option). Doing so may cause


>>   errors.

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