I leave details to our HA expert but it seems your setup requires an active
 - the path between clients and the first server is broken so this server
   does not receive queries or clients do not receive responses
 - the path between the two servers work so for the second server the
   first server is ok
 - the path between clients and the second server works so the second
   server believes queries from first server clients are served by the
   first server so it does not serve them
 - the second server has no way to detect the problem as it does not follow

I suggest to use an active load-balancer i.e. a box between clients and
servers which splits and monitors exchanges: not only it should solve the
problem but it will avoid extra traffic. With other words you are outside
what the Kea load-balancing can support...


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
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