This is a transcript of a TV interview given by Sheik Mohammed Nazim 
al Haqqani, Mufti of Turkish Cyprus and Grandsheik of the Most 
Distinguished Naqshabandi Order of Sufis, in Cyprus Jan. 24, '94. 

  Bismillah hirRohman nirRohim
In the Name of God, Almighty, All Merciful, O Our Lord, O Allah, we 
are asking your support for speaking about Reality. 

Today TV stations are coming for recording an interview with me and 
they are interested to hear about the Crown Prince of England, 
Prince Charles, and the Crown Prince of Great Britain, especially 
Turkish people from every level of society. They are really 
interested in Prince Charles, wondering if he really embraced Sufism 
or not, and if he is accepting Sufism from me and is going to be my 
follower in Sufi ways. Every TV station is always coming and asking 
about that, because common people are surprised and wonder how it 
can be--that a crown prince, who is going to be the King of England 
in the future, embraced Sufism? And top-level people in Turkey are 
also shocked by this news, shocked that it can actually be true. 

Therefore they were trying to say this news is something inaccurate 
about the Prince, and based on their imagination they are trying to 
say, "he is not sincere about his accepting Sufism. Maybe he is 
going to cheat you, or maybe he is wishing to get some benefit from 
the Arabs, or maybe he wants to get he support of Arab countries 
when he becomes king." In this way, they are speaking nonsense about 
Prince Charles' accepting of Sufism. 

And I was saying to them that everything they imagine is only that, 
it is from them, it is not real. Whoever is always cheating people 
thinks that the Prince is also going to cheat people--no, never. He 
is now a real sincere Sufi Moslem showing love and praise for Sufism 
and Islam. If I as a mufti and sheik were to praise Christianity, 
what would you understand about me? It is very clear. 

And what about Prince Charles' coming to Turkey and going to ancient 
enters of worship, visiting the holy graves of the Prophet's 
Disciples, and visiting the Sufi saints in Istanbul and Konya and 
his studying the Sufi Moslem communities, looking at the Ottoman 
Civilisation, praising it and saying it is so good, so perfect? 
Still they are saying about him that he is cheating people and he is 
not liking or accepting Sufism which is the true Islam. 

But I think that... (bring it to me), what is written here? It 
says, "Text of Address Given by his Royal Highness the Prince of 
Wales, Patron of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies." This speech 
is a proof, an evidence that Prince Charles really embraced Sufism 
and Islam, in his heart. But now many people are attacking him, 
those who are declare their belief only with their tongues, not 
through their hearts. 

In England, at Oxford University, he stood up and made a lecture 
about the perfection and beauty of true Islam. How are we able to 
say that he has not accepted it or that he is not sincere? But now 
Eastern Moslems, fundamentalist Moslems mental capacity has just 
reached the level of zero, and those fundamentalist and overly rigid 
Moslems have left most of the beautiful and lovely characteristics 
of true Islam and only have bad characteristics of Satan. They are 
not looking with sincerity or expecting a good result --therefore 
whatever they are expecting, that is what they are seeing --only 
suspicions and bad intentions. 

And God Almighty promised to His Prophets (peace be upon them), 
"I am going to keep on you, O Earth, 124,000 saints, each one 
representing one of my Prophets. And there should also be one 
representing and inheriting from my Beloved Servant, the Seal of 
Prophets, Mohammed, peace be upon him." 

Messengers and Prophets inform about the coming days of the future. 
Every Prophet must be able to inform about the future if he is 
really a Prophet. If they are not able to tell about the coming days 
of the world they are not Prophets. A Prophet must know about future 
of this world, when it is going to end and how and also exact 
details of what should happen. They must inform their followers of 
every news about the Last Days, as well as before and after the Last 

One of the spiritual inheritors of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be 
upon him) was titled the Greatest Sheik. He was a grand sheik among 
Sufi saints. His name was Muhiyiddin ibn 'Arabi, May God bless him, 
a Sufi saint, as well as the Inheritor of the Seal of Prophets, 
Muhammad, peace be upon him and on all Prophets. God Almighty took 
away the veils from the eyes of his heart, and he was looking at the 
Preserved Tablet, looking and seeing what is going to happen up to 
end of this world, what is going to be in the Last Days and even 
after the Last Days. 

He was one of the most famous Sufi saints, Sheik Muhiyiddin 
ibn 'Arabi. He has described some information about the Last Days 
and news about the nations. He was saying that when the Last Days 
approach, at the time of Imam Mehdi, peace be on him, seven great 
nations will enter into true Islam, and the first of them will be 
England. English people are the first ones who are going to become 
Sufi Moslems, then Germans, then five more great Western countries. 
All of them are going to be Sufi Moslems. And now is the time 
which Muhiyuddin ibn 'Arabi informed us would be real and would 
appear. Therefore, it began with the future King of England 
accepting and embracing Sufism which is true Islam, Islam which 
means peace, Islam which stands for love and harmony among all 
people, without discrimination between believers and non-believers, 
between white or black or yellow or red. 

That is the first and strongest evidence of what Muhiyiddin 
ibn 'Arabi was saying about the English nation entering Islam. And 
now some people are asking, "Why he is not saying it openly, 
directly?" And I say to them, "you people, can't you understand 
anything?" They are not looking at the conditions that he is in; his 
position within his country, England. His situation does not allow 
Prince Charles to declare his Sufi beliefs openly. And we do not 
need him to say it directly. But what he said about Sufism is enough 
to signify his accepting those beliefs sincerely. 

We have a saying, "if a pot is made of clay, whatever you put in it 
the same will come out of it." If you put vinegar in it, you will 
get vinegar out, if you put oil in, you will get oil out. It is 
enough that Prince Charles praised true Islam, the Sufi Islam that 
is based on love, tolerance, humbleness, respect and peace. That 
means what was in his heart appeared on his tongue. God Almighty is 
accepting. It is not necessary for him to stand up in Trafalgar Square and say, 
"La ilaha illa Allah Mohammadun Rasulullah, I just 
accepted Sufism and Islam, as I accept all religions, without 
discrimination. " If he does that, perhaps people will throw stones, 
eggs, tomatoes, and onions at him. But he is clever and protected 
and he is also blessed. He going to meet the Mehdi, the Guided One 
who is coming before the return of Jesus, peace be on them, and he 
is going to become one of his ministers. 

At the time of Mehdi and of Jesus, every king will accept the 
beliefs of true Islam, which are the same as those of true 
Christianity and true Judaism. And perhaps before the next century, 
every king who was exiled from his homelands, or from his kingdom, 
by whatever means, by fundamentalists or fanatics or tyrants, should 
return to his throne. They should once again be kings with full 
authority and power. Now the parliamentary system of democracy is 
going to end, and all of them should come back to the throne, 

Now kings, they are very few. At the beginning of the century there 
were about 140 kings yet in our days there are only 20 or 25 kings 
left. Most of them were thrown down from their thrones and exiled. 
Whichever people have the honor to have a king, they should give 
thanks and praise to God for their kingship. God Almighty is going 
to give them back their full rights. Therefore perhaps before the 
year 2000 every king that lost their power and their royal rights 
should gain them given back. And every one of them is going to be a 
minister of Mehdi, the Guided One (peace be on him), and a supporter 
of Jesus when he returns and one of them that is going to be given 
authority, is Hussein Charles, Prince Charles. 

And that is the reason God Almighty is preparing Prince Charles for 
that purpose. Mehdi, is coming with his spiritual power, to prepare 
the way for the return of Jesus, peace be upon him. Before his 
coming the Prince is being prepared for Mehdi. We believe Mehdi, 
the Guided One is coming very soon, and then Jesus should appear, 
God-willing before the end of this century. So he should be with us, 
God-willing, before we reach the year 2000, before the 20th Century 
ends. This is understood by scholars of Scriptures and Traditions of 
the Last Days and many saints have also predicted this. Especially 
this is the understanding that God sent to the heart of the Sufi 
saint, Muhyideen Ibn 'Arabi, the Greatest Sheik. Scholars of Sufism 
and saints are expecting the Mehdi during the Great Pilgrimage. Now 
we hope it is going to be before 2000, and that Jesus should appear 
soon after that, coming in Damascus, peace be upon him. I hope 
before then will be Hajj ul-Akbar, the Great Pilgrimage, and if he 
is not reaching before then, we hope he will reach soon after that 
year. And from God is all success. 
  Wa min Allah at tawfiq
  wassalam, arief hamdani
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