Hi Derik

Thanks for your answer. I have a couple of other questions ;)

1- Ok this is working fine but is there a way to do this programmatically ?

I noticed a similar behaviour when trying to import a kar file. When you
export a kar file everything is ok but when you want to import it back then
you get this message: "There are no semantic types defined for the actor in
this KAR file. ..."

2- I wrote a new actor class but when I use it in a workflow, define its
parameters and then save this as a kar file, none of the parameters are
saved in the xml file located in the zip archive. What was done wrongly ?

To give more details, I did the same experiment with the WebService
component you have and this is working fine. The only difference I have is
that I also defined a myCOmponentEditor class to have a specific GUI. Btw do
you have an example in the source tree of such a specific graphical
interface ?

Thanks and Best Regards


On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Derik Barseghian
<barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu>wrote:

> Hi Guillaume,
> One way to do this is by right-clicking on your actor and selecting "Save
> In Library...". You will be prompted to give your actor a semantic
> annotation. After this your actor should display in the Component Tree.
> Let me know if this doesn't work for you,
> Derik
> On Oct 30, 2008, at 10:25 PM, tog wrote:
>  Hello
>> We have developped a GRIA actor for Kepler
>> Currently, I am using Tools -> Instantiate Component to add such a
>> component in my workflows.
>> It would be easier for us to have it in the Component Tree of the user
>> interface, how to achieve this ?
>> Thanks and Best Regards
>> Guillaume
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