Hi Siddeswara,

[I'm cc-ing kepler-users because these are good questions].

Yep, the changes to the build system have been a little complex, but
they are for the better.  Basically, by having a modular system,
it makes it easier to support multiple groups working in different
areas.  The down side is that the tree is split up and getting
started is slightly more complex.   However, an advantage is that
it is somewhat more apparent what modules depend on what, which
is a good thing.

Where files are located has changed.

If you do

mkdir kepler
cd kepler
svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
cd build-area
ant change-to -Dsuite=vanilla-trunk

then directories above the current directory will be created that
have the Ptolemy tree etc.

Here's my directory structure after running ant.

bash-3.2$ ls
bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ ls ptolemy/ptolemy/actor/lib/Ramp.java

Note that kepler/ptolemy was created by running ant.
kepler/ptolemy/ptolemy/actor/lib/Ramp.java is where the Ramp actor is

I'm not sure what you mean by "how to import ptolemy file".  Do
you mean how to set the classpath to find the Ptolemy classes?

The right solution might be to build your own module, but I'm not sure
if there are instructions for that.  Another idea is to use an IDE
such as Eclipse.

You could also try finding the target/ directories and adding
that to your classpath.  For example, in my case, the ptolemy
.class files are in kepler/ptolemy/target/classes

How to add an actor is tricky.  I could not find totally up to date
docs, but 
might be of use.
Using Tools -> Instantiate Component will work if your .class
is in your Classpath.  Setting your classpath depends on whether
you are using and IDE like Eclipse or ant.

The new build is for anyone who wants to build from the current
head of the development tree that is in version control.  I'm not
sure if that makes them users or developers, it depends on your

Hope this helps.


Siddeswara Guru wrote:
> Hello Christopher,
>   I am relatively new to Kepler. I am learning to develop new actor is
> kepler. I was using old version where I need to download kepler and ptII
> and I was comfortable with the file system etc. Since few weeks lot have
> changed in the kepler build system and I am using the latest build
> (Vanilla build). I cannot find any source code (java files) of actors. I
> am bit confused about how to import ptolemy file in a new actors. I am
> also wonder whether the new build is for developers or users.
> Any pointer regarding this will be helpful.
> Thanks.
> regards
> S.M.Guru
> On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 07:28 +1100, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>> I updated
>> http://www.kepler-project.org/Wiki.jsp?page=UsingEclipseForKeplerDevelopment
>> with Eclipse specific instructions on how to build Kepler under Eclipse.
>> The key point is that the Eclipse specific abbreviated instructions are
>> at the top and details are below.  These instructions are targeted
>> towards people that just want to get going on the tree with Eclipse as 
>> quickly as possible.
>> Ideally, each IDE would have a quick summary of how to get started.
>> We could also have separate platform dependent pages that described
>> precisely how to install Java, Ant and Subversion.
>> I would add a page near
>> https://dev.kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/the-new-build-system
>> but I don't have write access.
>> One problem is that the build failed to find tools.jar so, 
>> core/src/org/kepler/ksw/KarDoclet.java fails to compile:
>>    ClassDoc cannot be resolved to a type
>> However, Kepler runs even with this compile-time error.
>> _Christopher

Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
CHESS Executive Director                      US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust        Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718             (Office: 545Q Cory)
home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480

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