Hi Jianwu,
I just checked, and indeed it is possible to open a model,
run it, and while it is running, open and run other models.

I verified this by opening and running the PN Nondeterministic Merge
demo and then opening other demos, including the SDF Sound Spectrum
demo.  Every thing worked, which is what I hoped for, but had
not checked recently.

If Josep Maria can open a second workflow inside an
already existing Kepler process, than that would help avoid the
hsqldb issue.


Jianwu Wang wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
>    Thanks for your explanation. I'm more aware about the request on 
> multiple Kepler processes. Currently, maybe different user roles on the 
> same machine is feasible way, though it has a few small exceptions 
> (http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3694).
>    In my understanding and experience, users can't start another Kepler 
> process when there are another running one. But Josep did opened another 
> workflow: "the new workflow shows the wrapping up message without
> executing the workflow. ". So I guess he used 'File-->Open File' to open 
> the second workflow. If so, the exception is not about multiple Kepler 
> processes, but job related actors.
> Best wishes
> Sincerely yours
> Jianwu Wang
> jianwu at sdsc.edu
> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
> San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego
> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
> Christopher Brooks wrote:
>> Hi Jianwu,
>> I'll jump in . . .
>> Not being able to run multiple Kepler processes is a pretty serious
>> limitation for me.
>> For example, I can't run Kepler-1.0.0 and the Kepler head at
>> the same time because of the hsqldb issue.
>> I suspect that there might be problems running on separate
>> machines that share the same user home directory, though I
>> have not verified this.
>> The GUI should be well behaved and run multiple runs at the
>> same time.  However, in practice, I'm not sure that if I
>> was doing a 3 day run I would want to risk a crash.
>> Being able to start a run, disconnect and reconnect is something
>> we've talked about in the past.  My way of doing this is to
>> use Windows Remote Desktop into a server.  Using any sort
>> of virtualization would help some here.
>> _Christopher
>> Jianwu Wang wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    I'm curious why don't you use menu item 'File-->Open File' to open 
>>> and launch another workflow. It is because you want new workflow not 
>>> to disturb the existing running workflow? Usually one Kepler GUI can 
>>> open and run multiple workflows. I tried running two workflows. If 
>>> one workflow has exception, the other workflow execution does not be 
>>> effected. Two GUI will be two processes, one GUI with two workflow 
>>> will be two threads. I don't which way is better from efficiency 
>>> perspective.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Sincerely yours
>>> Jianwu Wang
>>> jianwu at sdsc.edu
>>> http://users.sdsc.edu/~jianwu/
>>> Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT) Laboratory
>>> San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego
>>> San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
>>> Josep Maria Campanera Alsina wrote:
>>>> Dear users,
>>>> I've launched a 3-days long workflow with the GUI that uses job
>>>> command actors in order to submit computational chemistry jobs to a
>>>> cluster computer. I've noticed that if I open a new GUI and I want to
>>>> launch a new workflow that run also a job submission it does not work.
>>>> Rapidly, the new workflow shows the wrapping up message without
>>>> executing the workflow.
>>>> Why is that? How can I overcome this? I would like to run
>>>> simultaneously several workflows with the job submission capability.
>>>> Is that possible? If I launch both workflows in a non-graphical mode
>>>> they will run?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Josep Maria Campanera,
>>>> I'm running Kepler 1.0.0 (May 2008) under Linux (openSUSE 10.2, X86-64)
>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>> Josep Maria Campanera Alsina
>>>> Professor Lector
>>>> Departament de Fisicoqu?mica
>>>> Facultat de Farm?cia
>>>> Universitat de Barcelona
>>>> Avgda Joan XXIII, s/n
>>>> 08028 Barcelona ? Catalonia ? Spain
>>>> Tel: +34 93 4035985
>>>> Fax: +34 93 4035987
>>>> campanera at ub.edu
>>>> --------------------------------------------
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Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
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